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Photo of Ashley Underwood, Equity Forward Senior Researcher

Ashley Underwood, Director

Ashley Underwood (she/her) is the director at Equity Forward. She is a reproductive justice and public health advocate with an extensive background in working to improve maternal and sexual health outcomes through program implementation and development. Ashley was previously a research associate and senior researcher at Equity Forward; before that, she worked as a research and program manager at NARAL Pro-Choice Ohio. Ashley holds a master’s degree in public health from Case Western Reserve University.

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Chaqya Hosea, Program Manager

Chaqya Hosea (she/her) is a Program Manager at Equity Forward. She is passionate about positively impacting social justice issues, especially as they relate to historically marginalized and underserved communities. Before joining the organization, Chaqya worked in the nonprofit sector, leading development initiatives focusing on women’s rights and wellbeing in Los Angeles. Chaqya holds a bachelor's degree in criminology with a minor in political science from Ball State University. She also holds a masters degree in social work, with a concentration in social change and innovation from the University of Southern California.

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Julia Bourkland, Research Assistant

Julia Bourkland (she/her) is a Research Assistant at Equity Forward. She is passionate about and committed to reproductive justice and rights and has campaigned for equitable abortion and contraceptive access. As a researcher, she is particularly interested in the transparency, accountability, and governance considerations of repro, as well as the socioeconomic elements of reproductive justice. Before joining the organization, she held several internships and experiences in research, politics, campaigning, and feminist advocacy (particularly around SRHRJ issues). She holds bachelor’s degrees in political science and economics along with minors in political data analysis and feminist politics from Indiana University.

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Photo of Mary Alice Carter, Equity Forward Senior Advisor

Mary Alice Carter, Senior Advisor

Twitter: @MACarter73

Mary Alice Carter is senior advisor to Equity Forward. She has more than two decades of experience in the reproductive rights and health movements designing and managing effective earned and paid media campaigns.

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Georgia Jensen, Research Intern 

Georgia Jensen is a Research Intern at Equity Forward. She is committed to reproductive justice and improving access to abortion for all. Before this internship, she co-conducted a sociological research project at her school examining the impact of the Dobbs decision on reproductive health organizations in Houston. She has also written and helped produce several opinion articles for her student newspaper, as well as, on the disproportionate harm of abortion restrictions on marginalized groups. She is currently a junior at Rice University in Houston, TX studying history and sociology with a minor in politics, law, and social thought.