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Equity Forward conducts extensive research and investigative work to ensure the transparency and accountability of groups and individuals who are attacking human rights, including reproductive freedom, gender equity, access to quality healthcare racial justice, and equal protections for LGBTQIA+ communities. We conduct robust public records research, qualitative interviews, opposition research, legislative tracking, and policy analysis. In addition to our research-driven campaigns, we provide fact sheets, reports and public records analyses. We break down complicated findings and make our information easily accessible and user-friendly for the communities we work with.

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The Heritage Foundation’s Health Department: How an Increasingly Radical Right Wing Think Tank Is Controlling HHS — to the Detriment of Reproductive Health and Other Human Rights

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Molly Bangs, Research Associate - April 25, 2019 Reports

The Heritage Foundation brands itself as a think tank of establishment conservatives; as policy experts in the fields of economics and national security who align with the traditional Republican Party. This branding is a façade, as Heritage regularly spouts hateful ideas that are detrimental to LGBTQ individuals, women, people of color and low-income workers. 

Abortion, Anti-Abortion Lobby, Anti-LGBTQIA+

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Human Life International: The Quiet Giant Underwriting Abortion Politics Abroad

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EF Staff - January 30, 2019 Reports

Human Life International (HLI), a U.S. nonprofit based in Front Royal, Virginia, has spent decades quietly funding anti-abortion campaigns in foreign countries.

Abortion, Anti-Abortion Lobby, International

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