Mary Powers Does Not Believe In Abortion, Even For Survivors Of Rape
Powers Vocally Objects To Abortion Exceptions For Rape Survivors…
In 2015, Powers Said That “The Pro-Life Movement Will Not Stop Fighting Until All Life Is Protected Under Law — Even Life Conceived Through Rape.” “Of course, the Pain Capable bill is not perfect. The pro-life movement will not stop fighting until all life is protected under law – even life conceived through rape. This post in no way endorses the thought that some children should live, and others should not. But if women who have been raped will be allowed to abort their child, then we are forced to choose between whether the law mandates that they report that rape or not. Protecting and empowering the woman to report her attacker is least we can do in these terrible situations.” [Catholic Vote, 1/23/15].
Powers Argued That “Victims Of Sexual Assault Have Already Been Through The Violence Of A Rape. They Don’t Need Violence Upon Violence With An Abortion.” “Every human being, whether conceived in the violence of a rape or the love of marriage, deserves the fundamental right to life. It is cruelly unfair for a child to be killed for the sins of his father. In addition, victims of sexual assault have already been through the violence of a rape. They don’t need violence upon violence with an abortion.” [Mary Powers, The Pulse 2016, 2/3/16]
…Powers Also Advocated For Reporting Requirements In Order For Rape Survivors To Obtain An Abortion
Powers Has Advocated For Reporting Requirements For Rape Survivors To Obtain An Abortion. “Because of this I believe the reporting requirement was one of the most important parts of the Pain Capable legislation… Of course, the Pain Capable bill is not perfect. The pro-life movement will not stop fighting until all life is protected under law – even life conceived through rape. This post in no way endorses the thought that some children should live, and others should not. But if women who have been raped will be allowed to abort their child, then we are forced to choose between whether the law mandates that they report that rape or not. Protecting and empowering the woman to report her attacker is least we can do in these terrible situations.” [Mary Powers, Catholic Vote, 1/23/15]
Powers Criticized Feminism And Has A Narrow View Of The Role Of Women In Society
Powers Criticized Feminists For Wanting Equality “At The Price Of Their Own Fertility” And Suggested That Birth Control Has Led To Lower Moral Standards
Powers Claimed That Birth Control And Abortion Have Led To Lower Moral Standards, Greater Infidelity, Less Respect For Women By Men. “And what is the most feminine part that is left behind while joining the virility of men? Women’s fertility. Again, von Hildebrand explains, ‘Feminism was born the day that the enemy convinced some ambitious women that they will never achieve greatness unless they liberate themselves from the burden to give birth that was so unfairly placed on their shoulders. He convinced them to believe maternity is a jail and it is high time that women free themselves from these unbearable chains.’ But what has come from this shedding of feminine fertility through contraception, abortion, and sterilization are lower moral standards, greater infidelity, less respect for women by men, and coercive use of reproductive technology by governments.” [Mary Powers, The Stream, 10/4/16]
Powers Criticized Feminism, Condemning “Radical Feminists’…Crusade For Total Equality With Men, Even At The Price Of Their Own Fertility.” “By viewing women as victims and joining the radical feminists in their crusade for total equality with men, even at the price of their own fertility, Kaine stands in direct opposition to the Church. He not only leaves behind its pro-life teachings but its teachings on women as well. Kaine’s worldview of women is tainted. Because of this, his policies as Vice-President would advance the radical, feminist agenda rather than a genuine flourishing of American women.” [Mary Powers, The Stream, 10/4/16]