Katy Talento Is Anti-Birth Control And Peddles Debunked Claims About Its Uses
Talento Said Birth Control Prescriptions Amount To Medical Malpractice….
Talento Is Anti-Birth Control And Argued That Prescribing It Is “Medical Malpractice.” “Would you pay a physician to medicate your arm because it’s working too well—so well that it sometimes punches your annoying neighbor? I mean, punching sure feels good in the moment, but its consequences are inconvenient, costly, and could change your life forever if you go to jail and have a criminal record thereafter, right? ‘C’mon, Doc, gimme some meds for that.’ Your doctor would write you a psych referral, stat. So why does the entire medical profession collectively agree to regularly break another healthy human function for a majority of their patients of a certain age and sex? I’m talking about, of course, fertility. Healthy and functional, it is wondrous. Its consequences can be inconvenient, costly, and forever life-changing. So we’d better ingest a bunch of dangerous, carcinogenic chemicals for a couple decades and break our perfectly functioning fertility until it can no longer menace the earth.” [Katy French Talento, The Federalist, 1/5/15]
Talento Suggested Women Only Use Birth Control To Sexually Satisfy Their Male Partners….
Talento On Birth Control: “There’s Also Economic And Relational Devastation That Has Left Women And Children Abandoned By Men Who Now Feel Entitled To Consequence-Free Orgasms.” “Our reproductive health isn’t the only thing broken by the Pill and other vehicles delivering hormonal contraception. There’s also economic and relational devastation that has left women and children abandoned by men who now feel entitled to consequence-free orgasms. As a result, fewer and fewer women, men and especially children enjoy the stability, prosperity, and human flourishing that marriage between biological parents provides. After all, she could have been using birth control, so it’s not on you—right, bro?” [Katy French Talento, The Federalist, 1/5/15]
… She Also Peddles Falsehoods About Birth Control’s Effects
Talento Has Claimed That Low Dose Birth Control Can Lead To Miscarriages. “Ladies, did your doctor tell you all the facts before writing that prescription? Did she tell you that the ‘safer,’ lower-dose products could potentially lead to miscarriages of already-conceived embryos?” [The Federalist, 1/22/15]
Talento Argued That The Longer You Stay On The Pill, “The More Likely You Are To Ruin Your Uterus For Baby-Hosting.” “Ladies, did your doctor tell you all the facts before writing that prescription?…Did she tell you that the longer you stay on the Pill, the more likely you are to ruin your uterus for baby-hosting altogether? Is this the freedom and peace of mind you were seeking when you popped that first Pill? Just asking.” [The Federalist, 1/22/15]
Talento Was Instrumental In The Trump Administration Rolling Back The ACA’s Birth Control Coverage
Talento Was An Architect Of The Trump Administration’s Roll-Back Of Birth Control Coverage. “Now on the inside — one at the White House, the other at the Department of Health and Human Services — Ms. Talento and Mr. Bowman have a clear path to prosecute their strong belief that birth control coverage should not be a mandate from Washington. Both are using arguments they honed over years of battle to ensure that a new rule, expected to be issued this month, to roll back the requirement can withstand legal challenge. For some of the Trump administration officials tasked with reversing President Barack Obama’s legacy, the path forward has been somewhat rocky. Turning an ideological viewpoint into legislative or administrative policy able to pass legal muster can be difficult for Washington newcomers. But the architects of the Trump contraceptive reversal, Ms. Talento, a White House domestic policy aide, and Mr. Bowman, a top lawyer at the Department of Health and Human Services, have the experience and know-how that others in the administration lack.” [New York Times, 7/10/17]
Talento Has Belittled And Ridiculed Transgender Individuals
Talento Compared Being Transgender To Being Confused About Racial Identity. “In the end, our personhood is an inextricable combination of soul and body. To damage one is to damage them both. To reject one is ultimately a rejection of both and the psychological carnage of this self-rejection can not be avoided. The idea that we can separate our true personhood from our body is an ancient heresy that raises its head in different forms in every age. I wonder if these elites would be quite so indulgent of this materialist assault on human nature if there were a child or a teenager who demanded racial preferences and affirmative action treatment because he claimed that he was truly black, trapped in a white body. Walk with me through this thought experiment.” [Katy French Talento, LifeSite News, 1/15/15]