Deeds’ Extremist Anti-Abortion Positions Have Long Driven Her Work
In 1987, Deeds Worked For The Now-Defunct Free Congress Foundation, An Organization Focused On ‘The Culture War.’ “Free Congress Foundation is politically conservative, but it is more than that: it is also culturally conservative. Most think tanks talk about tax rates or the environment or welfare policy and occasionally we do also. But our main focus is on the Culture War. Will America return to the culture that made it great, our traditional, Judeo-Christian, Western culture? Or will we continue the long slide into the cultural and moral decay of political correctness? If we do, America, once the greatest nation on earth, will become no less than a third world country.” [Free Congress Foundation, accessed via]
- While At Free Congress, Deeds Declared Her Opposition To Abortion As Government-Sanctioned Murder. “…we need a whole movement, on a single issue, just dealing with abortion because government is sanctioning killing of children…" [Studies In Political Economy, Summer 1991]
Deeds Organized A 1989 Anti-Abortion Demonstration To “Rattle The Consciences” Of Pro-Choicers. “[Deeds organized a pro-life demonstration in Washington, DC] to ‘rattle the consciences’ of those who support legalized abortion.” [Washington Times, 11/13/89]
Deeds Worked At The Right-Wing Group Family Research Council, An Organization Known For Its Extreme Anti-Reproductive Health Stances.
While At FRC, Deeds Spoke Out In Favor Of The So-Called “Partial-Birth Abortion” Ban. “‘These historic votes on the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act showed us something important about our nation's people. There is tremendous consensus among Americans to curb the no-holds-barred destruction of the unborn and to curb the trauma inflicted on women in tough circumstances,’ Family Research Council Deputy Director of Government Relations Cathy Deeds said on Monday. She continued: ‘Congressmen and congresswomen who have never cast a pro-life vote showed they understood that there are limits to what can be done to the unborn. Family Research Council calls on President Clinton to join them and to live up to his claim to want to make abortion 'rare.' We urge the President to sign the Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act making it the first piece of pro-life legislation to receive his support in reaching his often talked about goal. Words against abortion are not enough for those who mourn what is happening to a nation that places self-interest above every other concern — even life.’” [Washington Dateline, 4/1/1996]
Deeds Is Anti-LGBTQ; She Has Led Campaigns To Deny LGBTQ People Their Rights
As An Outreach Coordinator At The Minnesota Catholic Conference, Deeds Led The 2012 “Minnesota For Marriage” Ballot Campaign To Amend The State Constitution To Define Marriage As Heterosexual In Nature. “In November 2012, Minnesota voters will have a chance to defend marriage as the union of one man and one woman from rogue courts and legislators who believe it is their right to redefine and undermine this vital social institution… Your support is vital to help other Minnesotans see the timeless institution of marriage as the bedrock of civil society and the strongest environment for raising children. To become informed and involved, and for regular marriage amendment campaign updates, please sign up at You can also contact MCC outreach coordinator Cathy Deeds at (651) 256-7583 or email her at” [Catholic Defense League of Minnesota]